
How can I start using My Love Memory?

Step 1

Buy a Medallion

Via mylovememory.com or through our partners throughout UK.

Step 2

Scan the medallion and create your account

Once you have received your medallion, scan the QR code with your smartphone and create your account to manage the profile.

Step 3

Set the profile of your loved one

Fill in all available fields with your loved one’s information.

Don’t miss our offer!

How does profile updating work?

Add profile


Enter all the information about your loved one: name, surname, and any other information you deem necessary.

Share on


Share your loved one’s profile with your family and friends. You can use the buttons next to the profile photo.

You are in

full control

You will always have everything under control. Anything uploaded by friends and family will have to be approved by you before it can be published.

We preserve the stories and memories of loved ones

Every life tells a unique story, and we are here to help you celebrate it.

Whether it is a message, a special song or a collection of memories, our lockets allow you to cherish and keep alive the essence of your loved one.

For us, the heart of it all is making sure that those unforgettable stories don’t fade in time, as is often the case with old photographs forgotten in drawers.

We want them to always remain alive and accessible.

Thank you very much for considering My Love Memory. It means so much to us that you are considering entrusting us with something so precious and important.

We are here to help you create a lasting tribute, to honour the life and legacy of your loved one so that they are never forgotten.

Proudly 100% Made in UK

No monthly fee

Lifetime profile

100% Refunds within 14 days

Unlimited images and photos

FREE Shipping

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Mj Web Studio LTD - Sede Legale: 7 Bell Yard London (UK) Company No. 07534155 Partita IVA GB 337390588.
+39 328 32 62 751 - [email protected] - Lun – Ven / 9:00AM – 18:00PM Designed By Emran